Spielberg says extraterrestrials likely our friends

10 May, 2005
 None    Philosophy

The first encounter between them and human beings is going to be friendly

Etspielberg01 Max Steven Spielberg told the Associated Press lately that he expects extraterrestrials to be galactic good Samaritans like E.T. rather than the malevolent marauders of "War of the Worlds” and that the first encounter between them and human beings is going to be friendly.
He said "I can't believe anybody would travel such vast distances bent on destruction.”

This definitely makes sense as the Prophet Rael often explains in his interviews. Those who have the technology to travel in space and visit other solar systems, other galaxies, have enough knowledge to destroy themselves if they haven’t reached a level where cultivating peace is more important than owning territories and being right.


This news item is from Raelianews